Facebook AD Management

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Facebook AD Management Course

Facebook AD Management

Facebook can be a powerful tool for building a brand. But you have to know how to operate the controls first. That’s why Digital ICT Academy offers Facebook marketing courses to bring you up to speed on everything from Facebook Ads, to building sales funnels, to executing content strategy.

Course Module

Class Details

  • Course Introduction
  • Introduction
  • Role of Marketing in the Future
  • Social Media Landscape
  • Facebook Introduction
  • Starting Your Facebook Journey
  • Facebook Options for Business
  • The Facebook News Feed and Organic Reach
  • The Facebook Algorithm Today
  • Top Ranking Factors in the Facebook Algorithm
  • The Future of the Facebook News Feed
  • Key Takeaways
  • Facebook Groups Set Up and Business Use
  • Facebook Pages Setup, Business Use, and Best Practices
  • Anatomy of a Facebook Page
  • Facebook Pages Best Practices
  • Facebook Messenger: How to Use for Business
  • Facebook Live: Set Up and How to Use for Business
  • Managing Facebook
  • Facebook Business Manager
  • Publishing, Scheduling, and Moderation
  • Facebook Page Insights
  • Demo: Facebook Productivity Tools
  • Facebook Pages, Groups, and Events Policies
  • Key Takeaways
  • Knowledge Check
  • Facebook’s Social Plugins
  • Facebook Rights Manager
  • Set Up Facebook Local and Facebook Place
  • Facebook and Non-Facebook Marketing Tools
  • Global Advertising Spend by Media
  • Facebook Ad Campaign Structure and Ad Objectives
  • Facebook Ad Placements, Ad Formats, and Budgeting
  • Facebook Ad Performance, Testing, and Tools
  • Facebook Ad Manager
  • Demo: Create Your Facebook Ad Campaign
  • Demo: Create Your Facebook Ad Set
  • Demo: Create Your Facebook Ad
  • Facebook Ad Images and Text
  • Facebook Ad Review Process
  • Targeting in Facebook Pre and Post GDPR
  • Facebook Conversion Tracking and Facebook Pixel
  • Facebook Analytics
  • Setting up Your Facebook Shop
  • Creating Your Facebook Catalog
  • Using Facebook Dynamic Ads
  • Optimize Your Facebook Page
  • Best Practices in Pages Posts and Ads
  • Facebook Ads in the Sales Funnel
  • Best Practices Facebook Images and Ad Copies
  • Best Practices Facebook Images and Ad Copies
  • Facebook Ad Policies
  • Data Use Restrictions
  • Facebook Ads Post GDPR
  • Ads Politics or Issues of National Importance
  • Certifications and Badges
  • Exam Process and Fees
  • Facebook Planning Professional Certification
  • Facebook Buying Professional Certification
  • Key Takeaways
  • Knowledge Check

Instructor: Fuad Hasan

Type: Offline / Online Class

Online Course Fee: BDT 2000

Offline Course Fee: BDT 5000

Course features

Duration: 1.5 Month

Weakly - 2 days​

Skill Requirements : Beginner

Language: Bangla

Student: 30

Live project : Yes

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